For this unit we'll be conducting shared inquiry circle discussions. There will be three of them across the next three weeks.
Here are the rules of a Shared Inquiry Circle (SIC):
- Only those who have read the selection may take part in discussion.
- Discussion is restricted to the selection that everyone has read.
- Support for opinions should be found within the selection.
- Leaders may only ask questions—they may not answer them.
Here are the things you need to know:
- Everyone needs to have actively read the week's chapters and come prepared to speak.
- The week's leader will need to prepare FIVE thought-provoking questions for the group to discuss. These should be open-ended questions centered on the text.
Here are the groups:
(If you're a "floater", I'll talk to you Monday about your role in this)
On Monday, you'll need to meet for a minute with your group to figure out who is A, B, and C (meaning which week you will be the leader).
Our first SIC will be next Thursday 4/26 on Chapters 1-5.
Get ready, yo!