Monday, February 5, 2018

The Place Inside the Blizzard

The Place Inside the Blizzard is perhaps the biggest folktale, in terms of the effect it has on Gethenian lives. The folktale helps explain the Gethenian laws and beliefs. When the two brothers vow kimmering even after having a kid, they break the law. As things continue one brother commits suicide and the other is blamed and chased out of Hearth. After being chased, the other falls into a temporary state in between life and death where the brother who has committed suicide is stuck at.  This story shows why Gethenians believe vowing to kimmer after having offspring is a bad thing. It is believe that by vowing kimmering a pair may get too attached and do irrational things such as suicide. Kimmering is looked at as a basic function of reproduction in Gethen, not as an act of affection for one another. The folktale also shows how large suicide is in Gethenian culture. In Gethen suicide is among the most formidable things in the culture. In the folktale, the fear of being trapped in that in between state of life and death may scare them out of suicide, and furthermore, vowing kimmering. When there is a suicide in the community, the burden is on the whole society because Gethenians are supposed to be all for their community and have honor. Which is also explained in the folktale as the city suffers and famine hits as long as the runaway brother is alive. When the brother dies, the city’s bad luck ends also.

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