Wednesday, March 21, 2018

As I read through Mark Bittman's article, "Bad Food? Tax it and Subsidize Vegetables" I learned that the main point of the article is to suggesst that unhealthy foods should be taxed, while much more healthy foods should be sold for a cheaper price for the less fortunate. Bitmman argues that making unhealthy foods more expensive would make people not want to buy them, but would end up buying the cheaper alternative, healthier foods. He states that this would reduce obesity, and other food related diseases. In reading Alice Waters article,"No Lunch Left Behind" she argues about how The National School lunch program is beneficial to students; however it is not being given its full potential since most of the funding goes to cafiteria staffing, except for better food ingredients. She then suggests solutions to the problem, and how the program can make better and healthier foods for all students. I like these articles because the deeper meanings, and what both authors were trying to say can be something that relates to my subject of officals performing acts that would make the public more aware of health and topics involving food, and helping those facing food related issues such as obesity.

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