Tuesday, March 20, 2018

In Mark Bittman's article, Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables, he addressed the concepts mainly about placing taxes on unhealthy, more processed food. He stated that there's a high obesity rate and many other health problems across the country that must be changed. Placing these taxes would influence people to buy foods that are healthier because they'll be cheaper, avoiding foods with higher taxes. People today want to eat healthy but it's become too expensive. Taxing "junk" foods can effect companies but at the same time may help the public to choose better organic foods. This can only happen if the government gets involved in the public's health so people can contribute to healthier food choices.

In Alice Waters and Katrina Heron's article, No Lunch Left Behind, there is an issue with what the government funds for school lunch programs. Most foods served at school is more unhealthy than fast food meals. They keep doing this because it's cheaper. Resulting meals continuously fail to meet the lowest basic health standards. Every student deserves to have a good and healthy lunch provided to them at school concerning a child's health.

My topic of my research paper is about how plants and animals are produced for food and if it's safe, healthy, and humane for consumers. This source gives information on exactly how animals are slaughtered and treated so people can understand that something has to be done about it.



  1. I like the topic you picked for your research paper and I think that you can get a lot of information on it. In my opinion, the animals being used for food is not safe, healthy, and humane for consumers. They torture them and treat them like crap which is not right.

  2. This is going to be a good research paper and you're going to find a lot f info. It really sad how the animals are treated. Even though we are going to eat them anyways i think that they should at east be able to cherish their last days of life happy and not sad and tortured,
