Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Bitman and Waters articles both discuss the cheap, unhealthy food options being served to the public by the government. Bad Foods? Tax it and Subsidize Vegetables exposes how the government makes it easier for us all to purchase processed foods rather than healthy options. They have made organic, healthy food unobtainable for many of us, and dramatically lowered prices for fast food. Bitman believes that there should be higher taxes placed on unhealthy and processed foods to steer consumers away from buying those products. By doing this there would be a drastic decease in dietary diseases, and he even goes on to talk about how, "... a 20% increase in the price of sugary drinks nationally could result in abut a 20% decrease in consumptions," which will prevent millions of Americans from reaching obesity. Furthermore, Waters and Heron write about how the system for school lunches needs to be replaced and remodeled to fit the current needs of the students. The school food system fails to meet standards and American children end of getting diseases they wouldn't have with the proper nutrition

The following article discusses family farming and the economy

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