Friday, December 15, 2017


Could this be my last blog post? -12/15/17

Anonymity is not always a bad thing. A vast amount of people have seeked relief from being anonymous such as sharing out their feelings and coming out which can be a daunting task for some when they are not hiding behind anonymity. But as a general stereotype, being anonymous is always thought as something very negative online. The idea of being almost nonexistent online is what gives trolls the confidence to spread hate and animosity towards other people. All in all, anonymity is does not always have negative motives.


  1. I agree with you about how you said that although anonymity is used for good purpose such as expressing your feelings to other unknown people on the web, there are some people who abuse the power of anonymity to harm other people.

  2. Anonymity can also protect people. The internet also contains predators who would love people’s real information. However, anonymity let’s people speak out while keeping themselves safe.
