Friday, December 15, 2017


I feel like when people speak their mind online, they get harassed. It's sad when people get used to things happening to them. I wouldn't be able to handle anything if I got harassed daily. It's disgusting to see that people really take time out of their day to pretend to be someone else. There's no point. They don't get anything out of it. They probably don't enjoy their life so they have to ruin somebody else's. Today, there are probably more trolls than not. In the video we watched called "price of shame" the women talked about how people are branded and seen by many, but known by few. People don't really know other people. They see something online and automatically believe it. It's like the saying "never judge a book by its cover", don't judge someone because of how they look on the outside. What matters, is how they are on the inside.

1 comment:

  1. I honestly agreed that it seems like people are used to treating people as such which is sad, and people should be empathetic.
