Thursday, December 14, 2017

Could Repealing Net Neutrality Impact Trolling on the Internet? The Answer Is Yes.

Net Neutrality
(n) : The principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.

For those of you who have not tuned into the media today (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) the repeal of net neutrality by the FCC, has been quite the topic of discussion. Today, in fact, was the day when official measures were taken to determine whether or not net neutrality should be terminated. Unfortunately, the vote to repeal ruled in favor, 3:2. This has been very troubling to hear but it is good to note that most internet platforms, such as Netflix, choose to defend internet users because the ruling of this vote is completely absurd. The internet is such an important tool in our advancing society and the fact that the FCC wishes to rid free internet from users for economic purposes is mind-boggling to me.  However, there is still hope for Net Neutrality be here to stay, it all depends on the future and what happens with this vote. It might not be repealed for a while, who knows? We can still fight for this, it's not over just yet. By repealing net neutrality (if it is to go through to Congress and pass) would this prevent the issue of cyberharassment and trolling to be minimized? Yes, yes it would greatly minimize trolls on the internet (somehow) but they will always remain present and hidden. Trolling continues to be an on-going issue for our democracy, especially with freedom of speech being guaranteed to all American citizens under the first ammendment. I am clearly against the repealing of net neutrality and the negative impacts it will cause. Although, not all the outcomes will be negative. What will we gain if we let the trolls and the FCC triumph? We stand together strong, opposing this issue to repeal in addition to all the trolls trying to tear us down. What do you think about this vote? What are your thoughts or feelings on net neutrality? Should it stay or should it go? Where do we go from here? What will society be without the internet being free?


  1. This vote totally sucks. Internet is going to be so much more expensive and i don’t know about everybody else but we already can barely afford the internet we have. This is just going to make like so much harder and will also prevent start up companies to become as big as they should. RIP cheap internet.

  2. I appreciate you posting this information because it's not always explained in a way where we can fully comprehend it. Many people don't understand what it does or how it will effect everyone. Although I am completely against the repeal of net neutrality, the thought of there no longer being such a large platform to express hate about others seems appealing.
