Thursday, December 7, 2017

Every time I go on Twitter or any other form of social media I am saddened by the sight of another post about how a child, teen, or adult that took their life because of the words of someone else. The constant battery of damaging words caused another so much pain that they couldn't find any other solution to get away from it. As the internet expands it gives trolls and other bullies a larger platform to attack others. It is inevitable to get away from trolls, even if you are not the target. The hurtful comments or post are constantly on our timelines and no one can escape the negativity. The only way it seems possible is to delete every form of social media. Even still, you can hear about bullying or see it in your every day life. People feel the need to put others down because they are different from them. Somehow, making others feel inferior makes them feel superior. As a naive child, when I called my brothers mean names I would constantly be told that, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". That isn't a concept people understand or follow in our generation. People believe that everyone wants to hear what they have to say or that their negative opinions are valued. Trolls hide behind their screens making people (they more than likely don't know) feel worthless, and in some sick way they are okay with that. Trolls know what that they are doing and how they affect others but have no sense of remorse or sympathy towards others. Maybe the reason they do it is because they feel insecure themselves. That is still no excuse to be callous to another. In order to beat the trolls in this world, we need to spread as much positivity in anyway we can.

1 comment:

  1. I agree you cant even go on any type of social media without seeing hate on another person. whether its a girl hating on another girl on for a guy or even a guy hating on somebody. a lot of today memes are even lowkey cyber bulling or even crossing that line. a lot of things are affensive and some people don't even notoce it because they are so use to it.
