Friday, December 8, 2017


In many situations, people are unable to get rid of trolls or they are unable to ignore some of things they say because there are so many attacking them. They say lots of hurtful things to just get one reaction out of somebody, and this is especially true for many public figures. These days, you see people just saying anything to hurt or make fun of others, but a lot of trolls are left unsatisfied because they do not get the reaction they want. In some cases, people that get trolled ignore them or acknowledge that the things being said are only to get a reaction. It bothers trolls when this actually happens because they are so used to breaking people down instead of getting dry responses. I have personally seen trolls get trolled. Trolls do not like it when you agree with their statements or when you just don't give a reaction at all. I have seen a lot of times where trolls got frustrated or gave up on saying hurtful things once it was acknowledged they were trolling. Lots of people dislike trolls and they usually warn others not to "feed the troll" because the troll will get the reaction they were longing for. If someone is trying to troll you by breaking you down, block them or ignore them. Do not give them what they want because it would only encourage them to cause more harm to others. Remember to just be yourself and ignore the hate from people trying to only bring you down. Don't feed the troll.

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